Help make money for our school: When you shop on Amazon you can log onto instead of This will automatically put in our school's info so that 0.5% of your total purchase will get donated to the school. This is free money! Please use this link when shopping so we can make money. If you do not want to use the link, just type, choose our school from the list and click start shopping. It is super easy! Thanks for your continued support for our church school!
It is Written Presents Answers in Prophecy Seminars which can be viewed online at These 9 seminars are the first in a yearlong series which NW and Hammond have joined. Please take some time to listen. We want your feedback !
Today during the 9:00 AM service - child dedication (Faith Mendez). Northwest Seventh-day Adventist Church believes children are a gift from God, and we are very excited that you, Jamie and Richard Mendez, are considering child dedication. Child dedication is a commitment you make before God, as parents, to give thanks to God and raise your children according to God’s purpose. It is our heart, to partner with you as your child grows and develops their own personal relationship with God.
Schedule Changes: If you switch weeks with another person or make any other changes to the schedule, please let Jennifer Mann know
Fellowship Hall Usage: If you would like to use the fellowship hall please schedule it with Pat Kubik
Prayer meeting on ZOOM every Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Use this link to join using your computer, smartphone or regular phone - . The link is also on our church website -
Next Sabbath’s Speaker is Robert Wier. The presiding elder is Rich Mendez.
*Reminder: The 1st service starts at 9:00 AM. Welcomed for everyone who strictly follow the safety protocols. The second service is going to begin at 10:30 am followed by the Sabbath School class. If you come too early for the 2nd service, please wait in reverence until the first service is going to conclude.
All tithe funds go directly to the Conference for support of the ministry. Church Budget stays at NW and goes toward our bills.
Church Board meeting: Sunday, February 21 at 6:00 PM
Country Life Orders need to be in by Feb 3rd. You can call in your order to Country Life (800) 456-7694 or Email them at Our church customer number is 11824 Delivery will be the week of Feb 8th to the church.
Social Distancing and safety measures still in effect for now.