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June 12, 2021

  • Northwest Seventh Day Adventist Church 10570 Randolph Street Crown Point, IN, 46307 (map)
  • Help make money for our school: When you shop on Amazon you can log onto  instead of  This will automatically put in our school's info so that 0.5% of your total purchase will get donated to the school.  This is free money! Please use this link when shopping so we can make money.   If you do not want to use the link, just type, choose our school from the list and click start shopping.  It is super easy!  Thanks for your continued support for our church school!

  •  We are invited to wear a mask and keep the recommended social distance. Every other row of pews on one side of the sanctuary is barred to help us remember that the virus continues to be a threat and for this reason, we should follow the safety protocol.

  •  June 14-19 Indiana Conference Camp meeting.  Livestreaming links will be found on the conference website -

  •  Church Board meeting tomorrow, June 13, 6:00 PM.

  • Schedule Changes: If you switch weeks with another person or make any other changes to the schedule, please let me know so the bulletin has accurate information. Thank you! or text 805-6446

  •  Prayer meeting on ZOOM every Wednesday at 6:00 PM. Use this link to join using your computer, smartphone, or regular phone - . The link is also on our church website -

  •  All tithe funds go directly to the Conference for support of the ministry. Church Budget stays at NW and goes toward our bills.

  •  Social Distancing and safety measures still in effect for now.

  •  The speaker next week is TBD. The elder is Laurie Valentino.

  •  Potluck will resume every first and third Sabbath of the month. Please check the bulletin board for information

  •  Nick, Pat, and all the family want to thank all of you for your prayers, cards & concerns for Mary.  We love you all & miss our church family. Mary has been brought home with family & rehab 3-4 days a week.  This is going to be a long-time recovery, but she will make it, praise God! Cards may be sent to 53 Rogers Rd, Carmel, IN  46032 (217) 372-9780. God Bless!

Earlier Event: June 5
June 05, 2021
Later Event: June 17
June 19, 2021