Bible Marking Activity: every other Sabbath after the fellowship lunch. Be prepared to stay and study the Bible using a simple yet very efficient technique. Q & A session.
Operation Christmas Child We are looking for your support either through prayers, by providing a Christmas Shoebox for a child, or by providing $10 to cover the cost of shipping. The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations. “Every box is an opportunity to reach a child with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Boxes and details on acceptable items to pack will be found in the church foyer. Return your box next Sabbath, November, 19 to church as they will be taken over to the drop off facility following our service. Last year our church provided 45 Shoeboxes and the year prior, 28. God has been so good and we thank you for your faithfulness in serving Him. Other drop off locations are available up through Monday November 21. Look at the link for more locations. Shoebox Drop Off Locations (
Schedule Changes: If you switch weeks with another person or make any other changes to the schedule, please let me know so the bulletin has accurate information. Thank you! or text 219-805-6446
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting: in person until December. Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall.
All tithe funds go directly to the Conference for support of the ministry. Church Budget stays at NW and goes toward our bills.
Potlucks are on the first and third Sabbaths of the month. Please check the bulletin board and sign up to make it a success. Everyone staying should be willing to do their part.
Next Week’s Speaker is Pastor Ovid. Elder is Laurie Valentino.
Violin Special worship Sabbath and afternoon violin concert with Roxana Pavel, Doctor of Musical Arts on November 19.
Bible Study 1st and 3rd Sabbath after potluck. All are invited. Contact Pat Appleton for any suggestions for study topics.
There is a Go Fund Me for the Zelinka family’s friend’s mom. She is an elderly woman who lost her home in the Florida hurricane. Please donate if you are able.
To reserve the fellowship hall please contact Sandy Mendez. Text or call 219-712-1257
Tomorrow, Sunday November 13 5:00 PM Elders' Meeting and then at 6:00 PM Church Board Meeting
Christmas Play Practice this afternoon.
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Earlier Event: November 5
November 05, 2022
Later Event: November 19
Nov 19, 2022