Bible Marking Activity: every other Sabbath after the fellowship lunch. Be prepared to stay and study the Bible using a simple yet very efficient technique. Q & A session.
NWACS Annual Christmas Play, Dinner, & Bake Sale Tomorrow, December 11th. Dinner at 5pm with Christmas play and bake sale to follow. Free admission and dinner. Accepting donations to support our school. Calling all bakers...cakes, cookies, breads, & pies...or your special treat... is NEEDED. Please call Wendy to donate baked goods at 907-952-9941
Women Ministry Brunch: You are invited, Sunday, January 8, 2023 at 10 am in the fellowship hall. Food and fellowship, secret sister revealing and more! More details to come soon. Reach out to Carmen for questions.
Christmas Cantata with Hinsdale Fil-Am Choir December 17 at 11:00 AM. Sabbath School will be first next Sabbath at 10:00 AM
Newstart Lifestyle classes will be held in the Fellowship hall on the 2nd Monday of the month starting in January, 6 PM.
Communion Service January 7
Schedule Changes: If you switch weeks with another person or make any other changes to the schedule, please let me know so the bulletin has accurate information. Thank you! or text 219-805-6446
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting: in person until December. Wednesdays at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall.
All tithe funds go directly to the Conference for support of the ministry. Church Budget stays at NW and goes toward our bills.
Potlucks are on the first and third Sabbaths of the month. Please check the bulletin board and sign up to make it a success. Everyone staying should be willing to do their part.
Next Week’s Speaker is Pastor Ovid. Elder is Glenn Moore.
Bible Study 1st and 3rd Sabbath after potluck. All are invited. Contact Pat Appleton for any suggestions for study topics.
To reserve the fellowship hall please contact Sandy Mendez. Text or call 219-712-1257
Funeral Service for Bob South is going to be Monday, December 12, 10:00 AM at Beecher Funeral Home, 602 Dixie Hwy, Beecher IL. Visitation is Sunday, December 11 from Noon to 5:00 PM, same place. Messages of encouragement, phone-calls, or cards for Jan are appreciated.
Initiating the process of electing new church officers January 21. According to the Church Manual and Indiana Conference bylaws the first step is going to be electing the Nominating Committee. Mark your calendar and plan to be present in person in order to vote.
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: December 3
Dec 03, 2022
Later Event: December 17
Dec 17, 2022