Please help support our church's blessing box. Many from the community are coming here for help with food. You can add it to the box directly or leave it in the fellowship hall to be put in. Just pick up one or two non-perishable items when you do your regular shopping. Examples of things to add: peanut butter & jelly, granola bars, cereal, soup & crackers, pasta & pasta sauce, pancake mix & syrup, applesauce, and canned tuna. These are just examples of items that are usually gone very quickly. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE EXPIRED ITEMS. Thank you.
Jeanne Gilbert will be taking names for gift cards to be given out for Christmas. Please contact her by the 20th of December. Anyone wishing to help for the cards, can put money in envelope marked Christmas gift cards. Let's help others in need. We can be a great blessing to them. My phone is 219-242-1584. Thanks you very much.
Next Week’s Speaker is Crissy Clarida. Elder is Laurie Valentino.
To reserve the fellowship hall please contact Sandy Mendez. Text or call 219-712-1257
Schedule Changes: If you switch weeks with another person or make any other changes to the schedule, please let me know so the bulletin has accurate information. Thank you! or text 219-805-6446
All tithe funds go directly to the Conference for support of the ministry. Church Budget stays at NW and goes toward our bills.
Loose Offering is always for church expense unless specifically marked for something else.
Prayer: An elder will be available after church service in the pastor’s study for any who would like special prayer.
Prayer Meeting Wednesdays at 6pm
Christmas Play will be December 15th. Dinner and bake sale will be at 4pm; the play will begin at 5pm. Please plan on joining us and supporting our children and school. Donations accepted for the meal. All donations will be used to purchase additional reading curriculum for the school. Do you like to bake? Don’t like to bake, but are willing to try? We need your baked goods to sell December 15. We are also looking for a volunteer to be in charge of the bake sale. If you are interested, please contact Mary Scalzitti 219-333-7123
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Earlier Event: November 30
Nov 28, 2024
Later Event: January 11
January 11, 2025