Ten Commandments

What We Have To Do and What We Must Do

Photo by Dmitry Bayer on Unsplash

This is “WHAT” we have to do:

- Love God with all you got

- Love others like yourself

- Keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus

- Tell others about Jesus – the Great Commission 

- Love your spouse like Jesus did His

- Be Patient, Kind, etc…

- Present your body as a living sacrifice

- And __________________________________

These are the types of “What We Must Do” things in the Bible. These are non-negotiable, not up for debate (the clearly stated commands of Scripture). OK. So, we have things that we “Must Do”, not because we are saved through them, but because they represent our answer to God’s salvation. The other question alongside “what” is “HOW”?

The Bible doesn’t always answer to the HOW question for us. It tells us what we must do, and at times what must happen if we do it, but not “How” to do it. There is a reason for that. We are all different, and the Bible was written to transcend time, age, education, culture and context.

Our “how” must come from God. We must pay the price to hear from God “how” we should carry out His commands. Like… husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. That is “what we must do”, but “how” am I/you supposed to do that?

“How” you love your spouse, is certainly not “how” I love mine! And, “how” I love her now is not the same as it was 30, 20, or even one year ago! It is deeper and deeper by the day. The “how” must come through the Holy Spirit inspiration and motivation. Can you hear His whispering? Louder than last time when you’re asking “what and how”?   

Ten Commandments For A Successful Marriage

1. Thou shalt reserve time for one another at all costs.  

2. Thou shalt spend only what you have - financial stress kills romance.

3. Thou shalt leave no room for selfishness - be relationship givers and not takers. 

4. Remember the “leave and cleave” principle from Genesis 2:24. 

5. Thou shalt bring your expectations in line with reality - the perfect spouse does not exist. 

6. Thou shalt trust one another and build reasonable boundaries - jealousy and trust rarely co-exist. 

7. Thou shalt avoid alcohol or substance abuse, pornography, gambling, and other potential addictions that will quickly kill your marriage and your life. 

8. Thou shalt be content with having enough and pray every day “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread” (Proverbs 30:8). 

9. Thou shalt think of your marriage as a marathon - you will need determination and faith to go the distance of a lifetime. 

10. Thou shalt keep Christ at the center and remember His words, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).